Beginning Sunday, December 1st, the four weeks of Advent are a time of spiritual preparation and anticipation for the birth of Jesus. Each week of Advent is associated with a theme and a candle consecutively lit each Sunday.
Leneen Carr used her wonderful creativity to make an Advent calendar for us.
Use the link below or we will have paper copies at church.
The Prophecy Candle, which is purple, represents hope and the anticipation of Christ's coming.
Sat, Dec., 7th, 11-12noon
Downtown Langley
We will gather @ 10am at the Bus Barn next to WICA.
Dubendorf's are providing the Wheels again this year. Thank you!!
Grab your Santa hats, your family, dogs, goats, llamas, and come celebrate!
Sign up sheets are in the lobby. All are welcome!
The Bethlehem Candle, which is purple, symbolizes peace and preparation.
Saturday, Dec. 14
10am in the Fellowship Hall
Come early as the tasty cookies go quickly. All are welcome!
The Shepherd's Candle, which is pink, represents joy and the anticipation of Christ's return.
Sunday, Dec. 15
meet at 4pm in the church lobby
We'll walk though Brookhaven, then Noblecliff, and end with cocoa at the Parsonage. We'll provide song booklets. Dress warmly!
Sign up at church or email the office. All are welcome!
The Angel's Candle, which is purple, represents love.
Early service at 4pm
Later one at 9pm