March 9 - April 20
1. Luke 4:1-13----Politics without Principle
2. Matthew 7:21-23----Knowledge Without Character
3.Luke 13:1-5---- Science without Humanity
4. Luke 15:11-32----Wealth without Work
5. John 12:1-8----Commerce without Morality
6. Palm Sunday----Pleasure without Conscience
7. Easter Sunday----Religion without Sacrifice
On beautiful Whidbey Island
301 Anthes Ave.
Langley, WA 98260
(360) 221-4233
Office hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Click the Facebook link below to join our Sunday Worship Service Facebook Livestream!
LUMC is a congregation of creative wanderers. The values that guide these wanderings are a commitment to full inclusion of all—genders, LGBTQ+, race, abilities, and economic status. And like the city of Langley, ours is a congregation that includes artists, poets, authors, musicians, and designers. We’re eager to be in relationships of growth with each other, which we express in holy and unique ways.
As part of the United Methodist denomination, we are members of a larger faith community that believes in letting people think for themselves as they balance the spiritual with the ethical. We think experiencing Jesus’ life and teachings moves people from a solely self-interested path to one that engenders compassion, equanimity, and justice.
If you have a history with Methodism or other mainstream denominations, you’ll find a familiarity here that is comfortable for you. And if you’ve given up on organized religion, as many of us have at some point, you’ll find like-minded people all around you. Who we are as individuals and as a congregation is always evolving. We invite you to come and help co-create the church we will be tomorrow.
Stay connected with our church community by attending our upcoming events, such as potlucks, movie nights, and community service projects. We love to have fun and serve together!
At LUMC, we've created a space where individuals and families are accepted for who they are, can experience Jesus in today's world, and are encouraged to grow in their faith within a loving community. We believe better is possible.
We appreciate your support of our church's mission and ministry in the community by giving financially as well as sharing your time and talents (i.e., Thinc tiny home community). Thank you!
301 Anthes Avenue, Langley, Washington 98260
Mailing address: P.O. Box 374, Langley, Washington 98260 (360) 221-4233 Office hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm